PDFapps Convert PDF to HTML is a powerful, but easy-to-use application that enables users to convert PDF files into HTML , so that everyone could read information on your website without having to download a PDF file or have a PDF reader installed.
It is usual to look up information on the Internet, using search engines, such as Google or Yahoo, and when you get to the website where the information should be stored, you realize that you have to download a PDF file. Generally, that's not a problem. But if it is a website of your company or your business, you should know that the fact of not having the information directly on your website might damage your image, as people do not want to waste their time opening PDF files.
The application is very easy to use, so you won't have problems figuring out how to convert the files.
You can convert your files using the accurate conversion mode or the compatible conversion mode. In the first mode, you can convert the PDF using HTML absolute positioning. In the second mode, you can convert the files using older style HTML standards.
When converting your files with this software, there is no need to reformat HTML documents. They will keep the original files formatting and style. Moreover, the software allows you to convert lots of files at the same time.